Simple-date provides types (CLOS classes) for dates, timestamps, and intervals similar to the ones SQL databases use, in order to be able to store and read these to and from a database in a straighforward way. A few obvious operations are defined on these types.
The most glaring defect of this library is its ignorance of time zones. It pretends the whole world lives in UTC. Use with care.
When this libary is loaded after CL-postgres, it will register suitable SQL readers and writers for the associated database types.
class date
Represents a date, with no time-of-day information.
encode-date (year month day)
→ date
Creates a date object.
decode-date (date)
→ (values year month day)
Extract the elements from a date object.
day-of-week (date)
→ integer
Determine the day of the week that the given date falls on. Value ranges from 0 to 6, with 0 being Sunday and 6 being Saturday.
class timestamp
Represents an absolute timestamp, with a millisecond precision.
encode-timestamp (year month day &optional (hour 0) (minute 0) (second 0) (millisecond 0))
→ timestamp
Create a timestamp. No negative values or values outside of an arguments normal range (i.e. 60 for minutes, 1000 for milliseconds) should be passed.
decode-timestamp (timestamp)
→ (values year month day hour minute second millisecond)
Decode a timestamp into its components.
timestamp-to-universal-time (timestamp)
→ universal-time
Convert a timestamp to the corresponding universal-time, rounding to seconds. Note that this will treat the timestamp as if it were in UTC.
universal-time-to-timestamp (universal-time)
→ timestamp
Create a timestamp from a universal time. Again, the resulting timestamp should be treated as if it were in UTC.
class interval
An interval represents a period of time. It contains both an absolute part in milliseconds (days, weeks, minutes, etc are always the same length), and a relative part for months and years ― the amount of time that a month or year represents is not always the same.
encode-interval (&key (year 0) (month 0) (week 0) (day 0) (hour 0) (minute 0) (second 0) (millisecond 0))
→ interval
Create an interval. Arguments may be negative and of any size.
decode-interval (interval)
→ (values year month day hour minute second millisecond)
Decompose an interval into parts. Note that these may be different from the parameters that created it ― an interval of 3600 seconds is the same as one of 1 hour.
To prevent a proliferation of different function names, generic functions are used for operations on time values. The semantics of these differ for the type of the operands.
Adds two time-related objects. Adding an interval to a date or timestamp will return a new date or timestamp, increased by the value of the interval. Adding two intervals returns a new interval with the sum of the two arguments. Integers can be used in place of intervals, and will be interpreted as an amount of milliseconds.
time-subtract (a b)
→ value
Subtracts time-related objects from each other. Subtracting two dates or timestamps results in an interval that represents the difference between them. Similarly, subtracting two intervals also gives their difference.
Compare two time-related values, returns a boolean indicating whether they denote the same time or period.
Compare two time-related values, returns a boolean indicating whether the first is less than the second.
Compare two time-related values, returns a boolean indicating whether the first is greater than the second.
time<= (a b)
→ boolean
The inverse of time>
time>= (a b)
→ boolean
The inverse of time<