Lisp Examples

Example 9.1. Simple Example

 :output '(:lilypond :view t)
   :name "Piano"
   :instr :piano
    for off from 0 to 10 by 1/2
    collect (make-note :off off
		       :dur (if (< off 10) 1/2 1)
		       :note (+ 48 (random 25)))))))

Example 9.2. Staccato and Accent Marks

 :output '(:lilypond :view t)
   :name "Piano"
   :instr :piano
    for off from 0 to 10 by 1/2
    collect (make-note :off off
		       :dur (if (< off 10) 1/2 1)
		       :note (+ 48 (random 25))
		       :marks (case (random 3)
				(0 nil)
				(1 '(:staccato))
				(2 '(:accent))))))))

Example 9.3. Quartertones

 :output '(:lilypond :view t)
 :quartertones t
   :name "Flute"
   :instr :flute
    for off from 0 to 10 by 1/2
    collect (make-note :off off
		       :dur (if (< off 10) 1/2 1)
		       :note (+ 70 (/ (random 4) 2)))))))

Example 9.4. Polyphony with Slurs

 :output '(:lilypond :view t)
 :verbose 1
   :name "Piano"
   :instr :piano
   (loop for v from 1 to 2
	 nconc (loop
		for off from 0 to 10 by 1/2
		collect (make-note :off off
				   :dur (if (< off 10) 1/2 1)
				   :note (+ 60 (random 25))
				   :voice v
				   :marks (when (= (random 3) 0)

Example 9.5. Piano Chords

 :output '(:lilypond :view t)
 :verbose 1
 :ensemble-type :orchestra
   :name "Piano"
   :instr :piano
   (loop repeat 3
	 nconc (loop
		for off from 0 to 10 by 1/2
		collect (make-note :off off
				   :dur (if (< off 10) 1/2 1)
				   :note (+ 48 (random 25))
				   :voice '(1 2)))))))

Example 9.6. Quantizing/Chords

 :output '(:lilypond :view t)
   :name "Piano"
   :instr :piano
   (loop repeat 10
	 for off = (random 30.0)
	 and dur = (1+ (random 3.0))
	 collect (make-note :off off :dur dur :note (+ 60 (random 25)))))))

Example 9.7. Mark Objects

 :output '(:lilypond :view t)
 :parts (list
	  :partid :flute
	  :name "Flute"
	  :instr :flute
	  :events (loop for o from 0 to 20 by 1/2
			collect (make-note :off o :dur 1/2 :note 72)))
	  :partid :tuba
	  :name "Tuba"
	  :instr :tuba
	  :events (loop for o from 0 to 20 by 1/2
			collect (make-note :off o :dur 1/2 :note 48))))
 :events (loop repeat 10
	       collect (make-mark :partid (case (random 2) (0 :flute) (1 :tuba))
				  :off (random 20.0)
				  :marks '(:accent))))

Example 9.8. Percussion 1

 :output '(:lilypond :view t)
 :parts (list
	  :name "Percussion"
	  :instr (list :percussion :percs (list (make-perc :woodblock :note 'e4)
						(make-perc :snaredrum :note 'a3)))
	  :events (loop for o from 0 to 20 by 1/2 collect
			(make-note :off o :dur 1/2
				   :note (case (random 2)
					   (0 :woodblock)
					   (1 :snaredrum)))))))

Example 9.9. Percussion 2

 :output '(:lilypond :view t)
 :parts (list
	  :name "Percussion"
	  :instr (list :percussion :percs (list (make-perc :woodblock :voice 1 :note 'e4)
						(make-perc :snaredrum :voice 2 :note 'a3)))
	  :events (loop for o from 0 to 20 by 1/2 collect
			(make-note :off o :dur 1/2
				   :note (case (random 2)
					   (0 :woodblock)
					   (1 :snaredrum)))))))

Example 9.10. Percussion with Automatic Durations

 :output '(:lilypond :view t)
 :parts (list
	  :name "Snare Drum"
	  :instr '(:percussion :percs ((:snare-drum :note a3)))
	  :events (loop for o from 0 to 40 by 1/2 when (= (random 2) 0) collect
			(make-note :off o
				   :note :snare-drum)))))

Example 9.11. Semi-Orchestra Score

 :output '(:lilypond :view t)
 :ensemble-type :orchestra
 :global (list (make-timesig :off 0 :time '(3 4)))
 :parts (list
	  :name "Flute 1"
	  :instr :flute
	  :events (list (make-note :off 0 :dur 1 :note 60)))
	  :partid 'fl2
	  :name "Flute 2"
	  :instr :flute
	  :events (list (make-note :off 0 :dur 1 :note 60)))
	  :partid 'cl1
	  :name "Clarinet 1"
	  :instr :bf-clarinet
	  :events (list (make-note :off 0 :dur 1 :note 60)))
	  :name "Clarinet 2"
	  :instr :bf-clarinet
	  :events (list (make-note :off 0 :dur 1 :note 60)))
	  :name "Violin 1"
	  :instr :violin
	  :events (list (make-note :off 0 :dur 1 :note 60)))
	  :name "Violin 2"
	  :instr :violin
	  :events (list (make-note :off 0 :dur 1 :note 60)))
	  :name "Cello 1"
	  :instr :cello
	  :events (list (make-note :off 0 :dur 1 :note 48)))
	  :name "Cello 2"
	  :instr :cello
	  :events (list (make-note :off 0 :dur 1 :note 48)))
	  :name "Tuba"
	  :instr :tuba
	  :events (list (make-note :off 0 :dur 1 :note 36)))))

Example 9.12. Key Signatures

 :output '(:lilypond :view t)
 :filename ""
 :verbose 1
 :global (list (make-timesig :off 0 :time '(5 8) :div '(3/2 1) :props '((:keysig :dmaj))))
 :auto-cautionary-accs t
   :name "Piano"
   :instr '(:piano :simultlim 1)
    for off from 0 to 8 by 1/2
    collect (make-note :off off
		       :dur (if (< off 10) 1/2 1)
		       :note (+ 48 (random 25)))))))