Structure PERC

Constructor: (MAKE-PERC &key :SYM sym :STAFF staff :VOICE voice :NOTE note :AUTODUR autodur :MARKS marks :MIDINOTE-IM midinote-im :MIDINOTE-EX midinote-ex)

Copy Function: (COPY-PERC perc &key :SYM sym :STAFF staff :VOICE voice :NOTE note :AUTODUR autodur :MARKS marks :MIDINOTE-IM midinote-im :MIDINOTE-EX midinote-ex)



This is a unique symbol identifying the percussion instrument. It is used as a lookup value so that it may easily be specified in INSTR structures.


This is an integer of 1 or greater specifying on which staff the instrument appears on.


This is an integer of 1 or greater specifying a voice that this instrument belongs to. Specifying different voices prevents notes belonging to different instruments from being beamed together.


This is an integer or symbol designating where the instrument's notes are to appear on the staff. The value is interpreted with middle C in the center as if notated with an alto clef signature. See EVENT-NOTE in the NOTE class for information on specifying notes with symbols. Percussion notes should not require flats or sharps.


If set to T, indicates that FOMUS should determine durations for this instrument. This is appropriate for percussion instruments that don't have long sustain times and can therefore be notated with durations that are simpler to read. Notes containing certain marks such as trills and tremolos are left unchanged. This slot is T by default.


Contains a list of MARKS to be added to NOTE objects that specify this percussion instrument. An example value to put here might be ((:text "R.S." :up)) for a "rim shot" percussion instrument.


Represents the MIDI note or notes used to import MIDI data. This can either be an integer from 0 to 127 or a list of such integers.


An integer value from 0 to 127 representing the MIDI note used when exporting MIDI data.