atdoc: HTML documentation generation

   Atdoc generates documentation for Common Lisp packages. It extracts
   documention strings written using a custom markup language and
   generates HTML pages.

   atdoc was written by David Lichteblau and is available under an
   X11-style license.


   atdoc needs Closure XML, Split sequence, Slime's swank,
   Xuriella XSLT, Closer MOP, and their dependencies.

   ASDF is used for compilation. Register the .asd file, e.g. by
   symlinking it, then compile atdoc using asdf:operate.

$ ln -sf `pwd`/atdoc.asd /path/to/your/registry/
* (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :atdoc)


   Please refer to the HTML documentation in doc/.