work-in-progress lisp->avm2 bytecode compiler
(see also )
installation using clbuild:
add to my-projects in clbuild directory :
3bil get_git git://
3b-swf get_git git://
add to my-dependencies in clbuild directory:
3b-swf alexandria babel chipz cl-vectors cljl closure-common cxml flexi-streams ieee-floats puri salza2 trivial-features trivial-gray-streams vecto zip zpb-ttf zpng
3bil 3b-swf alexandria babel chipz cl-vectors cljl closure-common cxml flexi-streams ieee-floats puri salza2 trivial-features trivial-gray-streams vecto zpb-ttf zpng
./clbuild install 3bil
and start a lisp and load 3b-swf-writer with asdf
see test/roots-new.lisp and test/minimal2.lisp for sample usage, or compile ctests.lisp and load /tmp/ctests.swf into flash 9+ to run the tests