xptest - An "Extreme Programming" test framework for Common Lisp

xptest is a framework for building test cases, managing test data, and
putting these together into test suites.  It provides a minimal level
of support for reports on test runs.  It's also a nice development
tool in that one can easily use it for organizing code fragments when
developing more complex features.

License (well, non-License)
xptest is in the public domain.  It's so simple that even a copyright
is just a pathetic clinging some romantic notion of the author.


This package uses ASDF to load its files.


xptest is maintained by Craig Brozefsky <craig@red-bean.com>.  Any bug
reports, comments, or patches can be sent to him.

Others who have contributed:
Lyn Headley <lyn@onshore.com>
Stig Erik Sandoe <stig@ii.uib.no>
Kevin Rosenberg <kevin@rosenberg.net>